Brand Strategy, Master Brand + Sub-brand development

The Brief
Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) has a globally relevant and highly regarded ratings tool. International expansion was being hampered because of the perception that they were servicing the Australian marketplace. We were tasked with interviewing board and executive stakeholders and develop a branding strategy that would take the organisation to the next level.
The Approach
We developed a brand hierarchy with the master brand and sub-brands. Retaining and refreshing elements from the existing brand made the transition easier. The new brand elements include typography, primary & secondary colour palettes, icons, diagrams and chart styles. Applications of the brand included PowerPoint; recognition certificates and templated documents. A comprehensive brand guidelines will support future brand applications.
The Results
The stakeholders are delighted.
Gail and the Make it happen team certainly do make it happen. Working with a valued-aligned organisation was very important. The process was collaborative and embodied the views of our valued stakeholders; we are proud of our purposeful, professional and relatable new brand identity.
Ainsley Simpson, Chief Executive Officer, ISCA