Private School Rebrand

The Brief
Green Valley Islamic College (GVIC) were expanding their physical locations and needed a new school identity that was not geographically restrictive . Minarah College was the solution. The school motto, ‘Oh Lord Increase my Knowledge’, that students will seek increased knowledge through faith and prayer was incorporated into the logo.
The Approach
The school board had commissioned an Islamic designer to develop the new Minarah College logo. We simplified the design to make it more practical for application across digital, print and merchandise.
A core suite of documents were updated and provided as editable templates. The internal team will use the templates to ensure ongoing compliance to the brand attributes.
The brand guidelines developed will provide a reference for all future brand applications.
The Results
The Minarah College brand maintains a connection to history whilst providing them support for future geographic expansion.
Following the rebranding of our school’s name to Minarah College, Make It Happen have collaborated phenomenally with us by appreciating our ideas and bringing them to life. MIH have generated our logo as well as marketing material that have been educative and illustrative.
Jay Halai, Principal, Minarah College